The mission of Karat Place, Inc. is to rehabilitate women ex-offenders with and without children to reduce recidivism and poverty in Greater Memphis. This is accomplished through the provision of a better standard of living in transitional housing and various programming all geared to empowering these women to become positive, productive contributing citizens.
Karat Place, Inc. will be committed to a partnership with faith-based, community-based and governmental agencies in Greater Memphis and will be recognized as a premier leader in the area of ex-offender reentry and recidivism reduction by:
Providing a continuum of services from release to self-sufficiency for women ex-offenders participating in our program
Promoting a highly professional staff that is proficient in female offender management and support services
Providing employees with access to and training in the use of advanced technologies
Promoting effectiveness and efficiency through the use of outcome measures and innovative approaches to service delivery
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